Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Black Blossom

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I currently have a different hairstyle. Not to confuse anyone, I just want to clarify that these photos were taken a few weeks ago. I have a lot of shoots that I just keep for days when I don't have time to take photos or the weather does not permit. I love the look of this outfit. Its subtle but still makes a statement. Whenever I wear these pants I always get asked where I got them from, and they are thrifted with no tags. Most of my closet is thrifted, and I know there are a lot of bloggers who link to similar things, but I choose not to. As a blogger I want to inspire outfit ideas, not give you the recipe to wear the same thing I am wearing. What's the fun in that? I would loved to read your thoughts in the comments about this. I hope you all are well, and enjoy the post! :)

P.S Follow me :)



  1. I know what you mean when you just want to inspire others. I want people to see my outfits and want to wear something a little riskier. I stopped posting where I got my clothes because most of it is thrifted/consigned or at least 6 months old. I love this simple look you're wearing here :)

    Theatricality by Mariah

  2. So beautiful in its simplicity <3 Love the florals!

    - Anna

  3. SO cute. Love these pants! They look so comfy yet the whole outfit looks very sophisticated.

  4. I totally agree with you as well, I don't post similar items because I like to inspire! But gosh, such cute pants!! ;)

    xo, Kina


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