Monday, September 1, 2014

Menswear Monday #1

Behind every great blogger is an amazing camera man lol. Mine is in front of the lens today. One, because I want to work on my photography skills and two, to add some new content. I'm not sure if this will be a regular thing yet, but I thought it would be fun to share. There will probably be more once Fall fully kicks in because I am loving men's fashion for the upcoming season. 
I hope you all have been well this past week. I took a little hiatus from the blog for week to brainstorm. Sometimes I just get stumped, and don't know if my content is good. I know my fellow bloggers know what I mean.  Have a great Labor Day and enjoy the post! :)

P.S Follow me :)

Shirt/ Old Navy
Jeans/ Target
Shoes/ Payless
Watch/ Casio 

1 comment:

  1. I love it! very nice! I want to do some mens fashion as well, maybe one day! So far so good! :)

    xo, Kina


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