Sunday, August 17, 2014


As most of you all know yesterday was my birthday, and it was wonderful. I had so much fun. Mostly thanks to my amazing boyfriend, who went above and beyond to make my day special. I went out at midnight to order my very first legal drink. The lady stared at my I.D. forever because I am still using my underage I.D. and at the top highlighted in red it says "under 21 until" lol. So I think it threw her off. I can't remember the name of the drink I ordered, but it was recommended by our waitress. After that, we walked to my job (I work at a pizza place) and ordered a pizza to take home. We took an Uber home, and the awesome thing was that the driver had the same birthday as me! During the day of my birthday we went to breakfast at Ihop. Its always been a tradition in my family to have a birthday meal, so I continue to do so as an adult. Later on, we drove out to this wine vineyard for a wine tasting. It was really nice, but I was not feeling too well which meant no wine for me. We spent the rest of the day shopping, thrifting, and I got a mani/pedi. I had so much fun thrifting. I went to a different goodwill, and it was huge. I felt really overwhelmed but excited at the same time. I only found a couple of things, but they were great finds. I will be doing a huge collective thrift haul soon. After our excursion we came back to Nashville to have dinner at Virago. Its a really nice sushi bar. I didn't take any photos really throughout the day, so unfortunately I can't show you guys what I wore on my birthday but I did include a couple birthday selfies lol. Definitely follow me on Instagram, if you aren't. This post was more for me to have documentation of the day, and be able to look back on. Thank you for reading and thank you to those who wished me a Happy Birthday. 
I really appreciated it! :)


  1. Happy Birthday girl, it sounds like you had fun, I love your hair.


  2. You look so cute happy belated bday!
    Btw I've nominated you for "The very inspiring Blogger Awards". Come and check it out.

    xx Lori

  3. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a bunch of fun. I'll be celebrating my 20th soon actually :)

    Theatricality by Mariah

  4. happy birthday! sounds like an awesome day you had! :)

    xo, Kina

  5. I love your dress! Happy Birthday!


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