Monday, February 2, 2015

Menswear Monday: Shades of Blue

Hey guys, I took a little hiatus last week to catch up on some school work, I hope you didn't mind. I am starting off the week right with a #MenswearMonday post, and this one is a little ahead of the season. I get a spring vibe with the two shades of blue, which was fitting for the day we took these photos. It was such good weather that it felt like Spring. I wish that it would have stayed longer, but now its back to rain and clouds. It's okay though. We're just a couple months away from sunshine. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the post!

P.S Follow me!

 Blazer/Forever21 Men
V-Neck/Old Navy
Jeans/Old Navy

1 comment:

  1. Your boyfriend is such a sport for letting you style him! You do a good job! :)

    Love, Karina
    Check out my latest! TheLovelyLook


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