Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Years guys! My year didn't end how I wanted it to in terms of  my blog. I had many goals for my blog last year and accomplished none of them, which is pretty disappointing. But I am determined to make those goals happen this year. I have been on vacation for the last week and a half spending time with my family for the holidays. It's been great. I've got to spend time with my siblings that I hadn't seen in over two years, and met my nephew for the first time! I've made a lot of great memories to bring with me into the new year. Overall 2014 was good to me, but I know 2015 will be better. I decided to share some of my favorite looks. I narrowed it down to five, which was really hard to do. Let me know which one was your favorite, and what you would like to see in the upcoming year. Thank you guys so much for the support because it honestly keeps me blogging. I hope the new year is kind to you, and enjoy the post!

P.S. Follow me!
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  1. Ohmygosh, these were some of my favorites too! Happy New year love, and don't worrry you can accomplish all that you want! Just keep working hard like you always do! Cheers to a new year!

    Love, Karina

  2. The plaid look is one of my favorite of yours. Happy New year !

    Princess Audu


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