Wednesday, December 24, 2014


I wanted a wrap/cape but I am completely broke. So I decided to get creative and make my own. I took a regular scarf, wrapped it around myself, and added added a belt to hold it together. What do you guys think? Enjoy the post and Merry Christmas Eve! 

P.S. Follow me! 

Scarf/Wet Seal
Tank/Old Navy
Cardigan/Old Navy
Jeans/Old Navy
Boots/Old Navy
Purse/Old Navy 


  1. I love this look, its so creative. I will be trying something like this very soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Princess Audu

  2. Very lovely idea! You totally picked the perfect scarf to wrap with, it pops just perfectly! I hope you're having a Merry Christmas!

    Love, Karina


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