Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I have had this skirt in my closet for a year and half, and this is the first time I'm wearing it! I know, crazy. But I will not wear an outfit unless its how I pictured it lol. Do any of you guys do that, or is it just me? I bought this skirt on impulse. I thought it was cute and it was on sale for $6, so I had to have it. Then I realized I didn't have anything to wear it with, until recently when I purchased this sweater. Now I am going to be honest, this sweater was a little scratchy, but I loved the color and got it anyway. This look is a complete contrast to my edgy outfit last week. This is girly and on the sweet side. That is my favorite thing about style: it can change! In my opinion style is a fluid thing. You don't have to put yourself in a box. I hope you guys are having a great week so far. As always, enjoy the post! 

Sweater/Old Navy
Skirt/Old Navy
Bag/Old Navy

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