Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lady Like

Who remembers the dress from my "Is Your Love Big Enough" blog post? Well if you do, I am wearing that dress under this maxi skirt. The color worked perfectly with it, so I decided to turn it into a top for the day, which kept me from going shopping. Lately, I have made it a point to shop with a purpose. If it is not on my wishlist or versatile, I don't buy it. Being a blogger can get expensive pretty quickly if you allow yourself to fall into the blogger trap: buying things because you need to keep up with what's trendy. Unless you've got it like that or you're getting paid, don't shop just to stay "trendy". This college student doesn't quite yet, and that's okay. Work with what you have. You can still be cute and stylish on a budget. How do I know this? Because I do it everyday. ;)
Enjoy the post guys!

Top (dress worn as top)/Ross


  1. I LOVE this skirt!!

  2. To embrace being lady like is a lost art. You have mastered it. Bravo. You look superb!

  3. This is why thrift stores are my haven. They are my go to for "new" clothes. Blogging doesn't have to be expensive unless you make it that way. People can appreciate your style even if it's mostly thrifted or old items :)

    Theatricality by Mariah

  4. Omg that skirt <3 The print and the pleats! *Dies* So perfect! You know, sometimes I worry about lack of content in terms of not having new clothes to show off. I wonder if wearing the same thing like three different ways is good enough. So, there really is that pressure to constantly update your wardrobe and keep the content fresh.

    The thing is, I have sooo much clothing that I just try to focus on figuring out what hasn't been worn often enough and try to highlight those pieces. I used to feel like I never had anything to wear and I'd buy new clothes at least a half dozen times per year. Now, that I'm on a year long spending freeze, I feel like I'm finally starting to see my full closet and its potential. Try not to worry about it too much! I'm sure you've already got plenty to work with! <3

    - Anna

  5. Love the skirt, great styling and your heels are stunning, I agree with Anna sometimes I feel like I need to update my wardrobe to keep my content fresh but then again I love showing the versatility of different clothes and I totally agree, shopping with a purpose is so much better,

  6. You look stunning, I'm a little obsessed with that skirt you are wearing!

  7. I love how you used a dress as a top! Definitely something I have to try! haha love your take on saving money as well!

    xo, Kina


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